My life is so hard...
... in all ridiculous ways. Don't believe what you read in the papers! The difficulty in my life comes from needing to prioritize among my many fascinating interests, and make time to steep myself in the media works I find so attractive. I also need to return to the iPod so I find out what's been going on in the world.
Today I had a very good, very productive day. Mostly.
But first, the last of the winter's stores of scans. I vow to return to my study of 20,000 Leagues tomorrow.
A great part of the day was a walk to Ex Libris and back. Not even the two new sketchbooks could slow me down! One is for usual sketching (only about 10 pages left in my Strathmore), and one is for my great 08 project.
I call it the 08 project because I will be working on it for all 2008, and also because a main character is a Magic Eight Ball. It's so special, it gets it's own sketchbook. But it's not special enough to get a red sketchbook. Red book for a story about a black ball!? Preposterous!
Other parts of the day included writing a number of pages for said story.
Many, many exciting things. I'm excited to leave my computer and read Atlas Shrugged. I'm excited to get up tomorrow, do yoga and find the next piece of my story.
I'm excited for the season premiers of Heroes, House, and Bones. *blush*
But I'm more excited by gardens, fresh produce, phonographs, classical music, and drawings that capture jazz. And language.
R and I noodled through your picture-posts. Very enjoyable.
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