Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I have no specific resolutions for the new year as it's bound to be one full of upheave and tumult.

That sounds gross, doesn't it?

Upheaval. Upheaval and tumult.

But something I am doing is making a journal of "found poetry".

I got a sketchbook for Christmas which was good because my old one was nearly full, but not-so-good because I've become a snob for uniformity and paper quality and this gifted one was not quite up to snuff. BUT I'm making the best of it and copying (by hand) poetry from the web that I like into this sketchbook. With proper credits, of course.

It's more paper for me to haul everywhere, but I'm looking forward to having a physical place to save good poetry from people I mostly read on my computer screen. :)

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At 6:02 AM , Blogger Lucy said...

I bought myself a small spiral bound long-landscape format black sketchbook a while back which seemed everso cheap for such a classy looking nicely bound thing. Then I found out why, the paper is intolerably crap. I can't quite work out what to do with it. Your anthologising sounds a fine idea.

Happy New Year, Annie darling, and I hope it all goes well for the both of you.

At 8:23 AM , Blogger . said...

I hope you find some decent things and tell us all about them!
I got a new Moleskine for Christmas and have yet to think of what I'm going to write in it. It's too pretty to waste on mistakes and bad poetry heh.



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