Thursday, February 12, 2009


An odd word for me, but it flew down and alighted on my hands Monday night, rubbing my face with its feathers.

I was in the moment, in the flow of drawing more deeply than I've felt in quite a while. Since then I've experienced the elation a few other times. Painting Tuesday, drawing again last night.

An infinite measure of peacefulness and happiness welled up within me in these moments of rejoicing, and in a letter to Reagan I wrote that my mindset during the first onset of joy was obviously far more than a sum of the evening's parts that I'm sure it came from God.

I felt it again this morning, reading a spare bit of poetry on my blogroll. I don't think the specifics of the verse are important, but the joy came from putting on those familiar reading-shoes (specifically the poetry ones) and wandering the scenic wilderness. The only poetry I've experienced in the past month has been performance poetry, and while I'm glad I discovered it, it will never be as mine as written words.

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