Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Midnight miscellany

You can only see me when nothing happens. The pool, the path, the mirror is only clear on the days with no activity, with no disturbance, nothing to throw waves of interference across the sight-lines.

Few days are calm, free of activity to froth the waters of my mind. That froth throws up a spray that fogs my inward-turned eye, and quickens the pace of my heart. In such conditions I am not inclined to sit still and write. True, at the end of those days I am apt to sit still, but I prefer to escape into unreal worlds and forget my own existence.


Thank goodness I got that out of the way. I think there's something there, but it requires much brutal editing and re-working.

Contrary to the implication of that passage and what writing now would mean, I didn't do nothing today. I did very little, waking up less than 12 hours ago, but the bits I did were not insignificant; hanging out with Draco is always time well spent.

While I've been much better at thinking about blogging lately, I haven't been much better at doing it. Even today, when I take the plunge and fire up Blogger, I take a two hour break to read things I don't really need to.

Let's try to meet here again tomorrow.


Minor addition, because I want to remember.

Im throwing away my favorite skirt today. It's ankle length, tiered, black, and gauzily light-weight. With that ephemeral nature came fragility. Long ago the seam on the lining shredded, and all attempts to repair it have followed suit. Additionally, several seams on the outer layer of the skirt have come undone as well. I used to incorporate those flaws into my comfort-worn aesthetic, but the plurality and placement of the holes is getting inappropriate, especially combined with the shredded lining.

Goodbye, witchy skirt. I'm glad you were there for my 25th birthday. Here's to better days.


At 10:23 AM , Blogger Carolyn said...

that is really thin, looking at the second picture..

At 1:54 PM , Blogger annie said...

yeah, the lighting was just perfect for that to happen.


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