Ref's call
Day 6.
To be honest, I have drawn neither a lick nor a stick today, and it's well after midnight, not to mention after 6pm.
I think that drawing will happen after I get off this train and stop thinking about other people or the future. But you'll have to trust me on that one.
The yoga, too, was lackluster. And by all accounts I should go running today. I'm pushing these things to the back of my mind, though.
Reagan left this afternoon to go to SDCC without me. We were both very sad, but persevere. The real trouble, though, that threw a wrench into my plans of four days of holing up and listening only to the whisper of creativity inside me, came when he was only an hour or so gone. My mom offered me a way to make it to my sister-in-law's wedding on Saturday that I had given up hope of being present at.
I do want to be there with Reagan for Alexandria, so I'm glad to have a way to go. Between my mom offering and me agreeing, however, there was much stubborn frustration. It took a good hour of serious thinking, building mental models of communication, and examining my reasons for resisting before I acquiesced, and called Reagan's cell to tell him what needed to happen for things to work out on Saturday.
Today, a good 25 months into our marriage, Reagan and I had our first real phone discussion. (Where "discussion" means a conversation in which new ideas about issues are offered by both sides, and decisions are made that require further action and another conversation later. We've never been apart, and had working phones, and needed to coordinate things.
Communicating via telephone is... different. Knowing him well doesn't make it easy-peasy. I listen for minute clues in his voice, already distorted by technology and distance. The only advantage to cell over text is that we can be sure we have each other's uninterrupted, if not undivided, attention.
Tomorrow my mom's taking me out to look for wedding-appropriate garb. I'm going to do some quick sketching then get to sleep so I can get shopping (new sketchbook?) out of the way, then spend as much time as possible in my own head before the wedding. :P
I'm not proud of how today turned out in terms of self-challenge, but I'm satisfied.
Still reading, still marvelling...
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