Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today is the first day... (Day 1 of 3)

I am sweaty and my head is soaking wet. It must be midnight.

The timing was great. I got back from a short run with Reagan, stuck my head under the kitchen faucet, then did some post-run stretching. My water was about half done when I looked up and saw both hands on the clock pointing straight up.

"Time to post!"

And the exercise-induced endorphins are a great accompaniment as I sit down at my keyboard.

I mentioned yesterday that it's a self-challenge thing I'm doing, and I'm making it up as I go along. There will be pulling bits of inspiration and philosophy from different sources on and off the web, but primarily I want to build from zero and go for what is natural for me. I'll probably get more into the specifics of what and why in the future. Right now I answer to myself "why three days?"

Why three days?

I'm starting small. There are big things I want to do with the vast amounts of free time I've been gifted with, and it's a big goal to accomplish Good Things for the people who have made it possible, but I am not capable to go from zero structure to the wonderful dancing ideas I have in my mind. I'm starting small in number of days and number of things I ask of myself. After three days there will be seven days, then fourteen days, and so-on and so-forth, with each day bringing new progress on goals and projects.

But for these three days, I am only going to ask three things of myself. There is a fourth, time-specific objective, but it (studying internet) is something I promised myself a month ago that I wouldn't over-stress myself about, and I intend to stick to that.

Yoga around 3pm happened, and drawing at 6pm happened, and now posting at midnight is happening. Foundation! Precedent!

That's what the first three days are. Foundation. If I stick the landing for the first 3 days, I'll have proved to myself what is possible. I'll get a shiny medal for having a completed goal under my belt, and that can serve as a boost-up when I'm faltering in a month or so.

To a certain degree, this is the glow of coming back from summer camp, the fire of starting something new. Except that I haven't come back from camp, unless reading The Alchemist counts. I've simply hit a point where I don't know where my future is, or what my future is, or what roles I'm going to play in the future. I've decided that I'm going to make choices to make myself and my life what I want them to be, and let the future come.

I think this is where they say, "Obnoxiously positive." And roll their eyes at my endorphins.

In summation: Natural Systems. Small Goals.

More old drawings, but I did get a few pages done today, and it feels very good to get back into it, even if I'm scared of the day on which I'll have to step it up. Getting over that is a future goal. ;)


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