Monday, August 04, 2008

Holy domestic Batman! (17)

I cooked dinner for Reagan and Draco showed up, so we let him have some, too. It was very tasty.

My exercise for the day was walking to the store and back home again to pick up some needed groceries. Got some sunburn out of it, too. (Yoga is... not something I could happily do right now due to something going on with my knee that limits my range of movement. :( )

The best part of the day, however, is right now. Draco has taken over my desk, relegating me to "bed" status with my laptop, and, with Reagan, we're doing some text-based gaming together in an IRC channel. I always like playing with Reagan, doing some collaborative writing, though it's often hard to get around to it. Having an extra friend over to poke and interact with is definitely extra-fun, though. Not quiiiite like yee olden dayes of tabletop gaming, especially with the inclusion of three other characters in the room (although the two trios interacted very little), but still a good time.

Being busy in the afternoon with writing, the evening with cooking and eating, and the night with entertaining company, well, very little drawing happened. Very little, but not none! I stole time between posts in our game to draw a couple small things.

I relax now.


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