I had several clever titles planned out, but...
Net gain today. (But no scans, as the scan-keeper went to sleep before I was ready to relinquish my sketchbook for digitizing.)
I played foolish in running hopeless errands on an empty stomach, so that by the time food made it to the top of our to-do list the tiniest "offense" would get under my skin. But my husband puts up with me well.
Drawing difficulties assisted in pushing me towards a flare up with a friend which actually ended up clearing some of the toxins in the air between us.
I broke my so-called-tv-fast, after managing to avoid my usual habits for a full week. In some ways it was nice to do it (almost) all at once. Maybe I'll do it again this week.
The artistic dry spell was also broken, but I don't think it was related to the show-viewing. I think it was related to picking my references more carefully and relaxing my strangle-hold on the new, "improved" pencil-then-ink process that's had a strangle-hold on my creativity. It's another tool in the toolbox, not the only tool, and even if I want to improve my proficiency in it, all the bones are connected.
After a few pages of normal-drawing, I ignored the parade of potential references across my laptop's screen and doodled concepts for one of a trio of characters that's been poking around my head lately. I don't know what their world is like, though. This I will ponder as I go to sleep (at 8am).
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