Scannies couldn't make it...
I send her instead.
Reagan's taken slightly ill and I don't want to bother mucking about with his computers to scan things, so I (mis)spent an hour learning how ignorant I am about PHOTOSHOP. Really, it's not as simple as you think.
I was partially inspired by this song [youtube] conceptually (though it doesn't show) and Alida Saxon visually.
My painting skills are immature. Something that's somewhat lacking in my drawing, especially because I spend most of it working from static references, is a good grasp of lighting.
Most of today was spent hanging out with a sick husband (oh, he is so toasty warm), chatting/commenting/tweeting on the internet, and occasionally writing things in my notebook. Things like "cities in canyons as primordial Manhattan" and "illiterate rural communities; postmaster+ reads (aloud) and transcribes letters as well as delivering them".
Today's deep thoughts award goes to part of the email I sent to Sarah Frary:
Despite the limitations of my situation, I still feel overstimulated
in a lot of ways. The kinds of ways that don't leave me open to
playing or exploring as much with my creativity. I spend so much
effort trying to make up for lost time. So much to see that I let it
pass before my eyes without taking the time to really look. So much to
hear I don't listen. So much to read I don't understand. So much to
draw I don't create. So much to know I don't remember.
At the end of the day I think I did play some (though I cared to make the output post-worthy), and I was listening to music (randomly) for the duration, but can I really plant a victory flag when I accumulated a dozen open tabs? Tabs I really want to read and give critical attention to?
Besides all the intensive internetting, a mild quasi-toothache has been a distraction from doing mass quantities of straight-laced drawing. I doodled for 40 minutes, but no references were involved and nothing broke the barrier from doodling to sketching.
I just realized my painting is missing eyebrows. Time for bed.
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