Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Inexact Science

My day looked something like that. I drew in two locations: the beach after lunch, and outside Bass Pro Shop waiting for an employee to get off work. Both sessions were short, but better than nothing.

I dropped Reagan off as planned, and on time, although several things changed on the fly, such as not stopping at the bank, not getting Wings&Things, and R taking his iPhone with him instead of leaving it with me.

One of the sweetest things he said to me on the drive down was that he wanted to listen to my music, that it would calm him down and reassure him more than his own tunes could. Awww.

before leaving home

Driving on base was different this time, still very strange and alien, but in the back of my mind I was thinking "I belong here or at least I'm not a foreigner." I didn't get to/have to use my Military ID, though.

Heading towards home, I had no need to rush back, so turned off I-5 when I saw signs for Laguna. We've talked about living there if Reagan is stationed at Pendleton, this seemed like a decent opportunity to poke around. And I wanted to see the ocean.

It seems like a strange part of my day to focus on, but stopping for a grocery lunch was actually quite nice. A man who worked in the produce department whom I had passed and said hello to earlier asked if I needed anything when I had trouble finding bags.
The man in line behind me offered to let me use his club card. A woman complimented my hair as I left the store, and continued the chat beyond just "hello" and "thank you."

More driving led me to the coast! The first place I tried to park to eat said lunch didn't work out; none of the parking machines were operating correctly, and I had no small bills. The second place ended up being me picking a spot along highway 1 and feeding a meter.

UNH! Cliffhanger! I am exhausted.


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