Sunday, October 25, 2009

That's obvious, isn't it?

This blog, specifically its title, i what I refer to as obvious. Not that the game of naming a blog should be to confound and confuse the reader. In fact, Laura is refreshingly straightforward in how she names her blog.

The reason I tilt my head and sigh a bit is because I made an excellent G&T a while ago I've been thinking quite a bit lately about what kind of blogger I'd like to be. (Wow, that sip was lime-y. In a good way.) Laura (the cooking photographer) announces front and center what her blog is (and delivers on the announcement, if I may say so).

In the past five years or so blogging has become a way to "make it". Posting on the internet (usually with photos) is a new way to success, measured by ad revenue, pageviews, merch sales, and bookdeals. Not everyone who finds their spotlight on this global stage sees career-level success like Ree Drummond does, but not everyone quits their day job once they've found their revenue stream (which may or may not be sufficient for bills/rent/car payment/new treat from time to time).

Once again (I'm sure this topic has been broached in the past several years I've been coming to Blogger to make real my thoughts) I ask myself "what kind of blogger will I be?" I find myself at the end of a road, again, and many possibilities spread before me.

I'm in a new town, I'm in a new home, I'm in a new state and a new time zone, in a situation I can't begin to fathom the depths of. Next week Reagan will go back to work, and even if home-making continues, it surely won't occupy all of my time. What will? I ask myself.

"Pursue your interests! and blog about them!"

My current interests include writing fiction, drawing, painting, photography, DIYing our house, furniture building, cooking/baking, and sewing. I think that pretty much covers it. But when I think about the blogs dedicated to any one of those things, I'm not particularly inspired to emulate them. Especially crafting/decorating blogs, and cooking ones, to an extent.

I think what I've come around to in the past week or so is that I don't want to pursue online status like I have in the past. Even though I'm in a position to jump into spheres with a vengeance and build my time around social networking (and content) it doesn't appeal to me right now. I could redesign my blog, wordpress it up, come up with a new and classy title... but it wouldn't be authentic Me.

No, I'm going to stay broody and pensive. Maybe write more poetry. (It is that season, donchaknow.) Broody, pensive, capricious, prolific, honest, and with a background I've had for almost three years.

Maybe not the last one, I guess.


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