Times blogging is for
Feeling abnormally good right now, so these are the times I should be blogging, yes?
But I didn't take any photos today. Or yesterday. Took a couple the day before, but the time for that passed, eh?
Journaling before bed is a nice habit. Bed before midnight is a nice habit, too.
Today would make an incredibly nice normal for me. Except the visit to IHOP. I could usually do without that. And 3pm wouldn't always have to be a thunderstorm... though I might not mind if it was.
Sitting in the living room, no lights on, watching the sky dim as clouds gathered, I said something really neat. Something like, "the weather doesn't know we're here, it has no concept of time, the storm just passes over the land."
Mike was on the phone with Robin, talking about the storm, that it was heavier where she was out west, and it hadn't hit us in Fairfax yet. I was imagining how the storm might not know it was moving, hitting different places at different times. It wouldn't know the difference between populated areas and the empty ones.
Got some good work done today, and good feedback on the work I've already done, so that was nice. After dinner I even elected to finish the chapter I was on instead of watching a movie.
Then I reached a point where I didn't want to look at a computer anymore, so I picked up a book. This is not a typical behavior for me, but I'd like it to be. Enjoying John Updike's prose.
Sometime this month I want to cook a big meal. Like, with recipes and stuff.
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