Thursday, October 25, 2007

more zoo-ocity

Here's a nice segue form yesterday: a page with mor leopard on it! Leopard and rhinos, you see. Their thick and compact natures were more my style.

This pair of white rhinos got very close to the raised walkway the spectators watched from. Neat!

Not much drawing got done in the reptile house. It was dark and people crowding around flat windows. And reptiles are hard to draw. I sketched this bloke, ...

and Reagan tried his hand at a python. this one:

but got confused after a few lines. :) (I would've, too)

This pair of vultures were in an enclosure near the reptile house. Well, the one drawn and the one pictured are the same vulture. But there were two of them, both right by the mesh fence, both pancaked on the ground and hardly moving. As you can see, a mass of feathers with a head, looking much wider than it has any physical right to be.

Last of all, Elephants. (with one more leopard doodle in the corner)
The elephant exhibit was... okay. There were large section of the enclosure that could not be seen from the viewing area, and I would've been happier with a place to sit where I could also see the massive beasts. The elephant on the lower left looked way better before I tried to add legs.

This is what an elephant looks like:

And a couple special Halloween photos. Even zoos celebrate! I don't usually like animals in costume, but this was tastefully done.


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