Thursday, September 04, 2008

inter-aether drunk

After an overnight marathon session of blog reading list triage, I dispensed with around 700 posts. But that leaves me with 150 from the past month that I really want to give my attention to.

The other 700 weren't a waste. I got 5 books added to my wishlist and 65 notes of varying levels of coherency in my scratchbook.

The numbers aren't important. Neither are the statistics. How I handle myself in the future is important.

This is a gem of a post about creativity, the force of the internet as a tool for good or not-so-good, and related topics. If only for that one post, I'm glad I didn't wholesale junk the whole backlog.

Upon waking, I will have few obligations, set upon my shoulders by myself or others, and I look forward to that.

Still in that pile that I desperately want to turn my attention to is an article making a case for daydreaming in an increasingly productivity-driven world. That's a topic I especially want to read about.

I had a good day.


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