Sunday, March 06, 2011

Uses for $75

1) Fancy Haircut

short hair girls

There's a salon called Urban Halo in Arlington. I walk past it about twice a week, and it always looks very swanky, the kind of place yuppies and hipsters go. After looking it up on Yelp, I find that haircuts cost $75 there. Even though it's more than three times more than I've paid for any haircut ever, I'm still considering treating myself one of these days. My hair is almost-but-not-quite long enough to put up and in desperate need of a style/trim. After having it done by myself or a friend with clippers for so long, I figure my average price-per-cut over the past 10 years would still be about $5. And while going to a beauty school is an option, I'd rather pay for some expert knowledge/styling and get something that will work for my face and grow out well than just pay $25 and hope for the best.

2) Work Shoes

Even though I'm going to be maxing at 6 hours a day soon, my current work shoes have no cushioning and pinch around the widest part of my left foot. Something more comfortable, and even something that could translate to daily wear outside of work would be nice, as my old black sneakers are dead. My manager recently called me out for being out of dress-code, so it might be a worthwhile investment.

3) Music Swag

Kenna's been my #1 music artist since I first saw Hellbent (*note! that is not the music video i'm talking about the original is protected, and thus not on youtube*) on Cartoon Network's showcase of animated music videos. The first few times I listened to his second release, MSTSMF, I cried. His third album is coming out... soon. Supposed to drop tomorrow, but a massive computer failure... ate the whole thing, so the release got pushed back until April so they can re-record and re-produce the whole thing. NONE ARE INVINCIBLE FROM THE HAND OF CHAOS. While I was already interested in buying the big swag pack (shirt, hat, jacket, album, stickers, pins), now I like the idea of tossing money his way to help fund the re-recording, too. The flight jacket is really cool.

4) Bradbury Poetry

One of my favorite writers doing on of my favorite literary forms. Even without linebreaks and rhymes, Bradbury is one of the most poetic authors I know. Five hundred pages of it. I'm guessing it was a small print run, as the cheapest used copy is $75. YIKES. And not to be morbid, but he's 90. The price is only going to go up from here. Until I'm dead, too, and it all comes into the public domain. Or some time in the middle, when a new massive collection is released on his 100th birthday. But for the next decade, definitely a good use of $75... for someone who doesn't have to work an 8 hour shift to make that much money. And maybe me, too.

"If you stuff yourself full of poems, essays, plays, stories, novels, films, comic strips, magazines, music, you automatically explode every morning like Old Faithful. I have never had a dry spell in my life, mainly because I feed myself well, to the point of bursting. I wake early and hear my morning voices leaping around in my head like jumping beans. I get out of bed to trap them before they escape."

5) Don't spend it

The camera that snapped that beauty (at the American Art Museum) is still only about half paid for. Part of my plan right now is to pay it off before re-quitting my job and moving back to CA.

Decision, decisions.


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