Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Exhaustion, thy name is perfectionist.

I wish I had some sketches to post, I really do.

I feel too busy to say anything else. A good busy, but *sigh*

Friday, January 04, 2008

3 down, 153 to go

this year, at least. Comic pages, I'm speaking of.

New things in the last day:

First week of Pieces of Eight is completed.
"About" page added for PoE.
New look for my website's main page.
I got all Three Things done yesterday!

Other thing to be happy about: as of right now I've posted more sketchbook scans than the number of posts made. Also, I get to leave the house tonight!

I'm not trapped or anything, but Reagan and I have fallen into a productive rhythm of "wake up, work, snuggle, sleep". The days are long and exhausting, but we're both doing excellent work, if I do say so myself.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy new year!

It's a few days late for that, but it honestly feels like something new today. It's a day just bursting with hope. Saying more would be retreading the same thought over and over again, and why do that when I have sketches to post?

I thought it was a joke or backing up to an appropriate number when Reagan sent me Scannies 101-106 last night, but indeed that's where we are. And all recent! Like within the last 10 days! The idea of starting a new run of sketch blogging (and a new sketchbook soon) at such a round number is PLEASING TO MY BRAIN.

Also worth mentioning that my "graphic storytelling" project has been posted twice without a miss!

... I'm adding a "Consecutive updates" ticker, a la "days since last accident", to the list of things I want to do to bling out my site (but probably won't do).

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Run, Dorothy, run!

I've got two hours to do as much inking as I can manage... after that Husband and I are going to do our "new years" celebration.

It's a celebration of many things... first of the year (we were both asleep at midnight), two years of knowing each other (we met on new year's eve 2005), him doing kick-ass work on his flight comic, and me accomplishing the beginnings of my 2008 project by publishing the first page of my comic on time.

I was incapable of building up a buffer of strips ahead of time, so I'm in the unique spot of posting two days in a row (usual schedule will be M/W/F, but Tuesday was the first, so this week it's T/W/F) and have to do all the inks/coloring in one day.

Deadline pressure is good to me, though. And I'm looking forward to having a driving schedule in the coming months. It should keep me energized and not slogging off days at a time. I'm not resolving to manage my time better; I'm putting myself in a situation where I manage better or I FAIL. Sounds fun, huh?

I want this schedule to get me back into yoga. I want this schedule to make me find time to sketch even when I'm already doing bunches of art each day. I want this schedule to moderate the amount of time I devote to gaming.

New things are exciting!